What people are saying about Community Plate
"Community Plate is a remarkable 'potluck + storytelling' nonprofit connecting people all across the Pine Tree State. What I love about what they do is how rock-solid simple it is, drawing people together around shared meals and shared stories. I’ve been to several Community Plate suppers and have seen first hand, the formula works! Their innovative work and similar examples around the country and state give us fresh ideas about creative ways to address the epidemic of loneliness and crisis of social disconnection.”
- Jeremy Nobel, MD, MPH, Faculty Harvard Medical School, President of The Foundation for Art & Healing, author of Project UnLonely: Healing our Crisis of Disconnection
“It was like a dream come true to have this experience in our space. THANK YOU Community Plate, for the important work you do — for organizing such an amazing event that brought together great food, people, and stories for a memorable and meaningful evening that celebrated Lewiston's richness.”
- Gerald Walsh, L/A Arts, Lewiston, Maine, Community Partner
“One of the attendees was new to the area and shared that it was the first time she had felt like she was part of the community. I spoke in depth with someone I thought I knew fairly well; but his willingness to share more about his life and how he felt seemed to be enhanced by the event. ‘Sharing food makes me feel part of something’ - this statement stuck with me because I already saw him as part of something… he clearly needed this.” - Jennifer Bristol, Director, Lubec Community Outreach Center, Community Partner
“I spoke with a woman from my home country who had been living in Maine for 40+ years. As someone who has just arrived in Maine in the last few months, this was lovely to see how I could become a part of this community for the long-term.” -Lewiston supper participant
“I learned different ways that I was connected to the people that I sat next to even though they lived in a different town and had very different lives. By the time I left, they were no longer strangers. It was a reminder of how we are all connected in unexpected ways.” -Brunswick supper participant
“To see people gathered around this shared experience of food and stories — talking and laughing together — was so moving. In this time of isolation and with a deep concern for today's epidemic of loneliness, it brought home the need to gather and to connect as humans. To make that connection through these deeply personal, yet universal, experiences is a beautiful concept. We'll be thinking about this event for many months to come.”
- Kelly Greenlee, Community Outreach Librarian, Prince Memorial Library, Cumberland, Community Partner
“I found an unlikely shared connection with someone sitting across from me and it was a beautiful moment.” - Gray supper participant
"Attending the dinner made me feel more connected to my community, and more generally optimistic. Plus, the food was delicious." - Lubec supper participant
"It was wonderful watching an elderly friend light up telling stories that I had heard before, but that she was telling to new folks hearing them for the first time." - Gray supper participant
"We have felt sad and disappointed so many times in the last several years it has been difficult to be hopeful.This event has been one of those things that we can cherish and hold onto. The joyful memories of shared stories and interconnectedness are a balm to it all.” - Lubec supper participant
“Community Plate built upon our community's strengths and added their details including ‘story prompts’ during dinner, and a printed collection of recipes for attendees. They shared our organization's commitment to removing financial barriers as well as avoiding disposable supplies for the dinner. Their communication was great as we planned and followed up. As our event came to a close, I told Karl and Margaret, 'You make us look so good!' ”
- Kate Cutko, Director, Bowdoinham Public Library, Community Partner
“Everyone I met was friendly and willing to share their stories. There were too many very nice interactions to pick one. It would be like naming your favorite child.” -North Yarmouth supper participant
“I heard my colleague, who I don't know very well, described by a storyteller as amazing and one of his favorite people. It made me happy to hear, and more attuned to her moving forward.” -Brunswick supper participant
“I found a friend to fish with!” -Bowdoinham supper participant
“I am an acquaintance with two people from other settings who also attended. They greeted me with an embrace and big smile, the warmth of which surprised me. It’s been a struggle to make friends in the past year, and these two people surprised me with their welcome at the dinner. I plan to reach out and suggest more activities with each of them after this.” -North Yarmouth supper participant
“My friend and I conversed with 3 people, then a fourth, whom we had never met. We instantly connected, laughed and enjoyed the evening. I commented on the pie crust someone made, asking if it was homemade, and she said 'yes'. I said I have never been successful making homemade. She said, 'come up to my house and I'll show you how'. We have connected and will have our get together soon.” -Bowdoinham supper participant
“I enjoyed meeting new and old friends at the dinner. Someone who I've seen at other local events told me she was happy to see me there. I didn't know that I would make someone feel that way and her comment made me feel special. I look forward to seeing her around town as well.” -Waterville supper participant
”There was a wonderful feeling of authenticity and inclusivity throughout. I exchanged contact information with a couple of people, one of whom I enjoyed having coffee with the very next day. It felt very easy and natural to make these connections, which is not always so at random public events. I credit this to the specific nature of this event and the focus on community in its most basic form: a simple welcome and active mining of our common ground around food and friendship.” -Waterville supper participant
"This is the best community-building event I have attended… Can we do this every week? I would do this every single week." - Freeport supper participant