Story Sharing Potluck Suppers
When we were growing up, potluck suppers were a part of the fabric of community life. Whether they were in someone’s home, a church basement, or a grange hall or rec center, potlucks were a space where we shared a part of ourselves in the food we brought, and made connections that were intergenerational, cross cultural, and economically diverse. For generations, potlucks have brought communities together, but for various reasons—a global pandemic among them—in recent years they have dwindled. In society at large, there are fewer free, in-person events where we all feel safe and welcome.
At a time when divisions in our society are so visible and community spirit can seem diminished, we believe, on a fundamental level, that sharing stories and breaking bread together can heal. People are lonely and disconnected, and reviving the community potluck, with the addition of structured storytelling, is a way to change that.
This is what happens at a Story Sharing Potluck Supper:
Suppers are organized in communities all across the state, from Lewiston to Lubec.
Before the event, an invitation is extended to the community, and members are invited to bring a dish to share and a story to go with their offering.
Attendees are also given a list of story prompts that will shape the conversations of the evening. The prompts, which center around food, are both personal and nonpartisan, encouraging discussions that go deeper than small talk: Share a story about a food that your mom made the you never liked. Share a story about a food that always reminds you a specific place. Throughout the main portion of the meal, participants are invited to share stories across and around the table based on these prompts.
During dessert and coffee at the end of the meal, an organized lineup of practiced storytellers perform or read stories they’ve prepared on the evening’s theme to entertain and inspire.
In the weeks following the supper, recipes and stories are collected into a small community cookbook, distributed to those who came to the event, to commemorate the time together.
That’s it. It’s a formula that’s both simple and profound. Reconnection can begin with a model that draws on generations of tradition, combined with a spirit of inclusion.
Together, let’s reimagine the potluck, revitalize relationships, and reenergize our communities.
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Visit our Event Schedule page for upcoming Story Sharing Suppers.
View a Photo Gallery of past suppers.
Become a Supper Sponsor! If you are a business that wants to support our efforts building community in Maine, and promote your business at the same time - check out our Supper Sponsorship page.
And if you’re interested in bringing a Story Sharing Supper to your community, DOWNLOAD our Community Partner Guide, and contact us at We look forward to partnering with you.