Community Plate, together with Maine Tasting Center, invites you to join us in Wiscasset for a special evening of connection through the sharing of food, stories, and recipes. A Story Sharing Potluck Supper is an opportunity to engage with new and old friends and to make connections around something we all have in common: the food we eat and our family food stories. Bring a dish (with a story!) to share, an open mind and an open heart. During the dinner we’ll be sharing stories around the table, and after dessert, you’ll be treated to a collection of live storytelling performances from practiced storytellers — some may even be your neighbors! Bring your recipe to the event, and afterwards we’ll be compiling the evening's recipes and stories into a mini community cookbook that all attendees will receive to commemorate our evening together and the community we created.
Our theme for this evening is “Wiscasset Eats." We're celebrating all the food that we cook and eat in and around Wiscasset, whatever it's origins and story. Whether Mainers in Midcoast are eating lobster rolls, Maine wild blueberry pie, baked beans, Somali muufo corn bread, or empenadas Colombianas -- there are stories to tell and food to share! We're also celebrating a new presentation of the Maine Historical Society's "Maine Eats" exhibition, a portion of which will be on display at the Maine Tasting Center this June. Prior to the supper, you will receive a series of story prompts that we will use to share stories during the supper. Don't miss out on this chance to create lasting memories and forge new friendships. We look forward to sharing food and stories with you!
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Community Champion Sponsor: Real Maine